Sunday, April 27, 2008

Zayne is walking!!!

Yep, it's true. He can walk. It's exciting and sad at the same time. Here is a video clip of him walking. It didn't look that dark on the camera but you can still see him. He gets better and better at it everyday. He still doesn't know how to stand up once he falls. He has to crawl over to something and pull himself back up. then off he goes again.


Maggie said...

He is so cute, I can't believe he is walking already. Love the hairdo.

Dramatic Imaging said...

That is awesome! I just looked at my sent folder and saw that I began and email to you and never sent it! I am glad you are still talking to me even if I have been a crap friend! Call me when you get a chance. If you are getting in to photography, I want to help you get your stuff. I am a Prime girl (50, 85) large f/stops. I still want to make up for your bday. I got pretty sad when I saw the pics of Jen with all you guys and I was not there! I have been a bad friend to everyone lately. I love you!

Summer said...

wow i cant believe it! when did he get so big?! i love the hair do by the way!

Corey Doolin said...

Awesome! It must be the Mohawk helping to keep the balance - or the aero-dynamics of such. Thanks for calling me and letting me know, BTW. Sheesh.

Jacob, Lindsey, Abby & Landon said...

I love when they learn to walk. It is so cute. How old is he now? His hair cracks me up, it is cute.